Directed by Toni Nagy The Masses is a post-partisan, omni-racial, multi-gender, quasi-radical, sketch comedy show that represents the perspective of the artistic and creative counter-culture that is actually the mainstream. The tone will be the “Twilight Zone” meets sketch comedy - creating scenarios that are rooted both in reality and in our surreal dystopian not-too-distant future. Centered on a cast that will range in ages from 18 to 80 and will be so racially/sexually/bodily diverse that Benetton ads will cower in shame; The Masses will contain social commentary peppered with absurdity and pure hilarity. Even though this country is most likely governed by the ruling lizard-elite from the Palladian system who may or may not conduct ceremonies of the occult where they bathe in the blood of virgin goats - it’s still important that we stay informed. |
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